Goodbye Internet Explorer

Web 3.0 Development

Many people still cling to their older browsers. While it’s always good to question whether or not upgrading software is worth it, the science is in on Internet Explorer. Is it worth your loyalty? Is it really time to get rid of Internet Explorer?

Short answer – Yes!


Your primary concern should be that Internet Explorer has some security issues. That’s not to say that Microsoft doesn’t release fixes for some older browsers, but they are on a fixed schedule and could take months before release. Many modern browsers release bug fixes and security patches on an as needed basis, usually in the background where users don’t even notice.


Even Microsoft, the company responsible for building and maintaining Internet Explorer, wants you to stop using this outdated browser. The gist of it is that IE was meant as a “compatibility solution” that does not support new and progressing web standards. They have since ditched this old model and support modern web standards with their Edge browser.

Oh, and if you want to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth, read the Microsoft article by clicking here.


The simple fact is that most companies simply don’t design and test for Internet Explorer anymore. With the Edge browser being standard on Windows 10 machines, fewer and fewer people are using IE as well. It’s simply not worth the time and effort for most companies to support the platform. Sure, there are legacy systems that may still require it, but for a vast majority of internet users, the choice is clear.

It’s time to let go of Internet Explorer.

As the internet continues to grow and develop over time, building your business online means growing and developing with it. At Powerserve we are committed to this necessary evolution of your business online. As third generation of the internet { Web 3.0 } approaches, along with other technological advancements, trust our team of experts to help you build your business online.

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*Update: 1/17/22 - On August 17, 2020 Microsoft announced the end of life of Internet Explorer 11 - set to expire on June 15, 2022. Meaning that soon Internet Explorer 11 will no longer be available for most Windows versions. Read more about the announcement and Microsoft’s plan by clicking here.


The Augusta Press


Rise Augusta